Using both Gruyere and fontina gives this savory Bread Pudding with Ham, Leeks, and Cheese complex flavor-and they melt beautifully. Serve it with our...
Although this bar is as rich and moist as cake, you don't need a fork to enjoy it. The kirsch-spiked filling will appeal to grown-up tastes; for kids,...
Whole milk and cream -- usually found in most pudding recipes are traded for skim milk and evaporated skim milk here, giving the pudding body without fat....
This rhubarb and apple cobbler is perfect for kids to make on Mother's Day: The steps are few and easy to follow, and it is attractive yet requires no...
You won't taste the pureed beets, but they make this cake extra-moist and fudgy, even with the addition of whole-grain spelt flour. They also play up the...
Celebrate Passover with a chiffon cake so tender and airy, you'll be tempted to make it year-round (even if you don't observe the Jewish holiday). To keep...
Bake these little cakes one to two days ahead, so their rich, chocolaty flavor has a chance to bloom. The ganache can be made one week ahead and stored...
These cluster cookies are a no-bake treat that kids and adults will love. With just 3 ingredients -- cornflakes, dried cherries, and melted chocolate --...
Russian for "well-spiced," pryaniki are made with an irresistible combination of honey, brown sugar, and gingerbread spices. The cookies are filled with...
Whipped cream folded into this no-bake beauty's lemony ricotta-and-cream-cheese filling gives it an airy texture and ethereal taste, all of which is sandwiched...
Make the rice pudding in the morning or a day ahead of time if serving with the warm bananas. Or enjoy it warm or at room temperature with a splash of...
When assembling the cake, use a new doll and wrap it in plastic before putting it in the center of the cake. Candles should absolutely not be used, because...
Simple sugar cookies become tokens of affection when cut into X's and O's for your valentine. This recipe appears on the Martha Stewart Makes Cookies App....
With its cheesecake center nestled between toasted coconut and a fudgy crust, this rich treat just may be the candy bar of your dreams. Be sure to use...
Everyone will flip for this stunning dessert crowned with shingled plum slices. The addition of buttermilk to the batter keeps the cake underneath wonderfully...
This dessert relies on the same browning and deglazing techniques used for savory dishes. Many fruits benefit from a quick saute, and their natural sugars...
Crisp pistachio cookies, sandwiched around a soft, chocolate filling, are dipped in bittersweet chocolate and garnished with a sprinkle of bright-green...
Frangipane, an almond-flavored filling, was named after the 16th-century Marquis Muzio Frangipani, who invented a bitter-almond scent for perfuming gloves....
A good tip for picking out perfectly ripe peaches is that the fruit should be very fragrant; if it doesn't smell like a peach, it won't taste like a peach.From...
Tangy filling, nutty topping, buttery crust -- this tart has it all. The recipe, by Lori Goldsby, took top honors in the Food 52 Best Late-Winter Tart...
These single-serving desserts are small, but the flavors inside --blueberry and raspberry -- are big. The heart cutout (made with a cookie cutter) provides...
No ice cream maker? No problem! This vibrant, three-ingredient frozen yogurt can be prepped well ahead of any summer get-together and doesn't need to be...
Everyone needs an unintimidating, foolproof cake like this one. A generous amount of coconut topping, poured over the moist cake while it's still warm,...
These rich, moist cupcakes take everything you love about carrot cake to the next level, thanks to the sweet spiciness of parsnips and warm, fragrant cardamom....
Need a sensational vegetarian main dish? This galette with buttery pastry filled with roasted summer vegetables and a mustard cheese sauce is just the...